If you spend a lot of time in front a keyboard, you know how stiff your joints can get.
A lot of focus is given to stretching of the low back and legs, and rightfully so. They’re big and important and can cause a lot of problems, but don’t forget about those wrists!!
They connect your hands to your arms. What would you do if you couldn’t use your hands?!
Well, you could still do a lot, but who would want to forego them if they didn’t have to.
Because Carpal Tunnel Sucks
I don’t have it, but I have had a lot of patients that do. I can tell you that 100% of them hated it. That’s a pretty hard percentage to argue with. The same goes for any form of arthritis and the myriad of other disorders that occur in the hand or wrist area.
You don’t have time to deal with that stuff. You have bills to pay, things to sort, kids to keep up with or even some Xbox to play (I’m looking at you Lego Indiana Jones game)
Use it or Lose it
The key to mobility is movement. Seems obvious right? Well that’s because it is obvious, but that doesn’t mean we do it.
Just like we all know to drink plenty of water, we all know to move. Working as a physical therapy assistant, I know the impact of immobility and poor range of motion, but I still don’t work out like I should. After a long day of work, I don’t want to work out, I want to sit down. Not only sit down, I want to sit down and eat, with my legs propped up and good show on the TV. Can you relate?
The problem with that is… I’m not reverse aging. The older we get the longer it takes us to recover from our down times. 5 or 10 years ago it was probably nothing to get off the couch and go for a jog, but today, not so much.
Our bodies are like a bunch of rubber bands attached to sticks and pins. If we only move through limited ranges we get hard and stiff, and when we go to move again, we could snap something.
5 Exercises to Warm Up Your Wrists
These aren’t pure strengthening exercises, they are meant to be a way to prep your wrists and hands for activity. They are good to use before you begin the day right after waking up, or before work if you have a job that involves the use of your hands a lot (like line work, secretary, massage therapy or a mechanic).
Do these for 30 seconds each on each hand, in less than 3 minutes you’ll be finished and on to your daily tasks. I do both hands at the same time, but if you need to focus on one at a time, go for it.
You don’t need to spend an excessive amount of time exercising to get the fluid moving around your joints. You just need to ensure things are sliding and gliding the way they are meant to.
Towel Squeezes
Using a towel or a shirt, squeeze then release the cloth in your palms. You only need to squeeze for a full 1-2 seconds each time.
Wrist Extension and Flexion
With your palms either facing up toward the ceiling or down to the floor, bend your hands back and forth slowly. Start small and make the movements larger every 5 seconds.
Rubber Band Pull Aparts
Place the rubber band around your fingers and move them apart as far as you can without letting the band slide out of place then slowly gather them back to the middle.
Note: This one is supposed to provide a bit of resistance, if you don’t have the strength to either open your hand or manage returning them to the original position against it, then do this without the rubber band.
Finger Tapping
Lay your forearm (from the elbow down to the hand) along a table/ chair arm/ bed. Any surface will work. Tap each finger twice against the surface. You can begin with your thumb and work down to your pinky finger or the opposite, alternate every other finger or play around with your speed or the amount of times you tap. You may find that tapping each finger only once or even 5 times works better for you. Customize it to fit your needs.
Band Rolls
This one is a good strengthening exercise. You should feel the burn as you move through it. I recommend using a good exercise band or bar for this one to really get the most benefit. If you can’t manage either of those, using a towel is a good substitute. It won’t give you the resistance needed to strengthen a lot, but it can be used for getting the job done “good enough”. Which is all we can hope for some days.
Where To Get the Equipment From
If you don’t have these things at home they are easily found online or in stores. I get a lot of my equipment for my home gym from Amazon or Walmart. I prefer Amazon because their selection is bigger and typically their prices and quality are better. But if I’m impatient and want something “right now” I shoot to a local store to grab what I need, and the closest thing to me is a Walmart.
I recommend these to get your home or office outfitted to do these exercises. The best apart about this equipment. You can use them for total body strengthening, not just for these 5 moves. Some people only use these in their exercise routines. They are great for anyone over 60 to maintain strength and build lean muscle but any age can benefit from them.
Just click on the pictures to go their product description page on Amazon.
I have used bands that have grips and connector chains before and I like them. If you prefer that type then try these.
I actually bought a set of these for my 80 year old grandma. She uses them every day and still has the original set a year later.
Time Well Spent
Each of these are good on their own, but you might as well do them all to get the most benefit. They are basically just moving your wrists through all of their planes of motion. If you do each one for 30 seconds you’ve only spent 2.5 minutes of your day. AND. When you don’t develop sore hands or when you stop them from hurting again, you’ll be grateful for those few minutes of prep.
Side Note: If you do use resistance bands or other equipment be sure the check them before every use. If the bands get holes or runs in them, they could snap. They are basically just big rubber bands and we have all felt how much a little rubber band can sting if we get snapped by one.